Career Development & Occupational Studies (CDOS)

The CDOS Institute series will support schools who are seeking to strengthen the quality of postsecondary planning and readiness for all students by utilizing the CDOS learning standards and career exploration coursework. 

CDOS Institute

This series will support schools who are seeking to strengthen the quality of postsecondary planning and readiness for all students by utilizing the CDOS learning standards and diploma pathway or endorsement to develop work based learning opportunities and standards based college and career exploration coursework and activities. 


The series will frame the CDOS learning standards within the three domains of college and career readiness in the ASCA (American School Counselor Association) model of effective school counseling programs (academic, career and social/emotional development), to center the development of a CDOS pathway in your school as a standards based foundation for a whole school college and career readiness culture that engages all staff and students. Engaging multiple staff members to form a CDOS implementation team, the series will support schools in identifying school wide goals and developing implementation plans that distribute responsibility across team members, looking at three key areas of CDOS implementation: Programming, syllabus development and developing WBL. 

Who is invited

Schools who expressed interest in CDOS development in summer Principals survey and T2C schools.  


Each school should identify: 

1) A lead teacher or WBL/internship coordinator

2) A programmer/academic policy point person and 

3) A college and career advisor. Administrators will be expected to attend the first session.

Schedule & Overview

All sessions will take place at New Visions for Public Schools, 205 E.42nd St. NY, NY 10017

November 1, 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM

TOPIC: Orientation, goal setting and launching implementation planning process

TEAM MEMBERS: Full team; leadership and key staff

Team assessment and goal setting: 

Nov 20,   1:15 PM - 3:15 PM 

TOPIC: Labor Market Trends (CUNY Labor Market Information Service)

TEAM MEMBERS. Open to all: this session is part of the College Access and Action Network series. 

December 16, 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM

TOPIC: Curriculum and Programming

TEAM MEMBERS: Programmers, teachers

Curricular options and CDOS standards alignment, programming and scheduling

March 6, 2020 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM

TOPIC: Work Based Learning

TEAM MEMBERS: Teachers, Counselors, WBL/Internship Coordinators

Developing and tracking high quality WBL experiences to build college and career readiness skills

MAY 15, 2020 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM

TOPIC: Final implementation plans, model sharing

TEAM MEMBERS: Full team; leadership and key staff

Identify needs for continued learning or resource development. Set targets and goals for next year. 

Visit our Upcoming Events page for more info!