NV SAN Resource Page
Made by Students for School Staff- Try Our Resources
These tools and resources have been created by high school student participants of the New Visions Student Advisory Network through student-staff collaborative projects with New Visions staff members.
HOW TO USE THIS SITE: Resources are sorted into broad categories based on the need or intended change within the school. The categories include "Student Voice & Engagement," "Research Findings and Surveys," "Classroom Activities & Lesson Plans," and "School Policy: Tech, Operations and Ways of Working within the school." The description of the resource includes a brief summary and an example use of the resource. Some sections include a drop down in the section title with links to additional resources in that category,
Student Voice Assessment
The Student Voice Assessment was created by students as a tool to understand current and future opportunities at their school for students to provide input and feedback to the school administration. The assessment highlights the need for multiple stakeholders within the school to provide their insights and thoughts on the state of student voice within the school. The school stakeholders interviewed include the: Principal, Parent Coordinator, teacher(s) and Student Government President or Student representative(s) who are members of the School Leadership Team (SLT).
This assessment was created by students, from various schools, who were members of the New Visions Student Advisory Network. In creating the survey, students wanted to ensure that the assessment could be used in a variety of schools no matter the school size, community, staff composition or student population. The students tested the assessment questions at their own individual schools and made edits to the assessment based on their experiences interviewing members of their school community.
Student Voice & Engagement
Resources to implement student voice and engagement practices in your classroom or school community
Spectrum of Student Voice
This video highlights the importance of engaging students in a variety of opportunities to contribute to their school communities and provides examples. This can used to help staff think about the ways in which the school's own programs and opportunities fall within this framework. This can be coupled with the Student Staff Brainstorming Activity
Student Staff Brainstorming Activity
This resource provides step by step guidelines on an activity to help students and school staff work together to identify different student engagement opportunities at the school. This can be used during the first couple of meetings of any project where students and staff are working together to create change within the school.
Research Findings and Surveys
Resources that provide research results and tips on helping students build self esteem and build community. This includes topic areas of belonging, and social emotional learning .
Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
This presentation has reflections from high school students about how schools can use the CASEL SEL Framework to impact the learning environment and experiences for students. This can be used for schools that are trying to better understand student developmental needs and are looking to change or shift their school climate and culture.
Postsecondary Belonging
This presentation focuses on research conducted on high school students around belonging and high school selection in the hopes of better understanding how this informs a student's postsecondary choice. This can be used for schools that are trying to change or improve their school culture and climate and counselors who want to learn more about how belonging in high schools impacts how a student selects a high school.
Student-Led Conferences
This presentation is for schools interested in better understanding the steps needed for schools to prepare students to lead student-led conferences. The video summarizes the results of the research they conducted to make recommendations on how students can be prepared to lead student-led conferences at their schools.
Classroom Activity and Lesson Plans
Lesson plans and activities that teachers can do with students in a small group or classroom setting
School Policy: Tech, Operations and Ways of Working
Resources that impact the policies and procedures of a school
Student Application For Leadership Boards
Hanna (Fort Hamilton), Mariam (AMS II), Nathalie (Central Park East) and Nia-Salessie (AMS) worked with staff members Syntosha from the Charter team of the School Support department and Kim from the Community Engagement and Postsecondary Pathways (CEPP) department to explore and advocate for the addition of student representatives to join the NV Charter Boards. Together, they created criteria and an example application that boards can use to recruit and vet students who would be interested in joining. The work completed by this team will assist in a larger discussion of potentially adding a student rep to one of the NV Charter Network Boards.

Device Distribution For Virtual Learning
Cesar (Marble Hill) and Safiyah ( New Visions Advanced Math & Science) worked with staff members Terence and Caroline from the Operations Department to research and explore challenges faced by students and families when receiving a digital device like a tablet or laptop from their school. Together, they created a Remote Learning Challenges and Tips Sheet that can be sent out to students and families to help them care for their device.

Instagram Guide For Schools
Aissata (AMS II), Adrian (Mott Hall HS) and Jona (Central Park East) worked with Joely from the Communications unit in the Strategy and Development department to develop a instagram style guide for schools. Schools can utilize Instagram not only as a recruitment tool, but also as a way to engage and connect with current students and families. Features like "IG Live" and "IG Stories" provide opportunities for schools to showcase the people, activities and community that make their school unique.