Student Opportunities

A list of internships, trainings and events for students. 

Updated Monthly on the 1st and 3rd Mondays

How To Use This Site 

The Student Opportunities page is a collection of internships, enrichment programs, events and additional opportunities that students can apply to and participate in outside of school time. 
Suggested Ways to Use the Page: 
  1. Highlight a few opportunities that are of interest to your students and encourage students to apply or attend. You can select opportunities based on the location or type of experience. 
  2.  Target a group of students to apply for specific opportunities based on their interest areas. For example, working with students who are interested in writing to apply for opportunities that are writing contests or writing internships. 
  3.  Host application drop-in hours for students to get support in applying for opportunities. This ensures that students are completing all parts of the application and have a greater chance of being selected for the program. 

If you need additional support or guidance in preparing students for WBL opportunities, please see the resources section below or contact Jackie McKinney at

Opportunities From NV Partner Orgs- 

These opportunities are from organizations and companies who are current or former NV partners. Students can mention that they attend a school in the NV network and they learned about the opportunity from this page. However, being a part of the NV network does not guarantee an interview or placement into the internship or program.

Innovation Fellowship- 

Eligibility: Current High School Junior, Identify as a Female student of color, have a cumulative grade point avg of at least 3.0, low to moderate household income (should not exceed $125,000)

Apply Here 

Are you a Gen Z student looking to gain leadership skills and make a positive impact in your community? Look no further than our hybrid program that matches you with a Fortune 500 company. As a consultant team, scholars will research and advocate for their community, as well as learn valuable skills to help corporations engage more deeply with local communities. Industries represented include healthcare, beauty, tech, finance, and more. Join us today and make a difference!

Information Session: Register Here

Click here for more information 

*New* Summer Youth Employment Program - Extended March 14, 2025

Eligibility: NYC youth between the ages of 14 and 24 

Apply Here 

Ladders for Leaders is a nationally recognized program that offers outstanding high school and college students the opportunity to participate in paid professional summer internships with leading corporations, non-profit organizations, and government agencies in New York City. By hiring Ladders for Leaders interns, employers are matched with job-ready applicants that have been vetted and trained. Students undergo a competitive application process, and receive 30 hours of pre-employment training.

Ladders for Leaders is a component of NYC’s Summer Youth Employment Program, the nation’s largest summer jobs program.

Click here for more information 


These are confirmed opportunities from organizations and companies who are recruiting students for their programs. The opportunities are sourced from community newsletters,  job boards and websites. Please reach out to the contact listed directly, if applicable, for more information about the program. 

*New* Fellowship for the Future of Journalism- March 17, 2025 

Eligibility: completing your 10th grade year of high school in good academic standing.; You should be able to complete the course work spanning up to 22 months at 10 hours per month. Visit website for additional eligibility criteria 

Apply Here 

Fellows will attend classes on a set schedule and follow a learning arc to create a strong foundation in journalism. You will produce your own pieces that will be published on, in newsletters and on You will have the support of a teacher and a mentor. The time commitment is estimated to be ten hours per month (between class time and homework).

Click here for more information 

*New* Leadership Summer Institute- Priority Deadline March 24,  Final Deadline April 11th

Eligibility: Must currently be in 9 - 12th grade, identify as a young woman and/or gender-expansive youth

Apply Here

Summer Institute is a paid, six-week social justice educational experience for high school students who identify as young women and gender expansive youth in NYC & Newark, NJ. We bring together dynamic young leaders like YOU to share ideas, reflect on experiences, meet amazing role models, and help transform your community through direct action. During the summer, you and your peers will take classes, meet people engaged in various careers, take workshops on issues that are important to you, and explore your own and others' leadership. All participants can receive a stipend of up to $450!

More Information Here

BioBus Internship- March 24, 2025 

Eligibility: High school students in grades 9th-11th 

Apply Here 

Are you a high school student with a passion for science exploration and an interest in gaining research and teaching experience? Apply to be a Junior Scientist with BioBus!

Internship Description: BioBus, Inc. works towards a future in which all people experience the excitement of scientific discovery and have equal opportunity to pursue science careers. We cultivate this vision by creating immersive laboratory environments, such as the BioBus and BioBase, in which scientists join students for hands-on scientific exploration. BioBus, Inc. opens doors to science for minority, female, and low-income students in New York City, giving pre K - grade 12 students the chance to experience the excitement of discovery, to be mentored by research scientists, and to conduct their own science projects. BioBus, Inc. is pleased to announce that we are looking for interns to join our team. 

Click here for more information 

Free Summer Journalism Conference- March 23, 2025

Eligibility: A current high school junior (rising senior) who will graduate in 2026 (one person from each state and the District of Columbia is selected as a representative).

Apply Here

The Al Neuharth Free Spirit and Journalism Conference is an engaging, in-depth, five-day summer program for 51 high school juniors (one from each state and the District of Columbia) who “dream, dare and do.”

Be the one to represent your state and join students from around the country at an exclusive, free Washington, D.C., journalism experience like no other.

Students from across the United States will be selected to participate in a five-day, all-expenses-paid conference in Washington, D.C., on June 22-27, 2025. The deadline for applications is March 23, 2025. All applicants will be notified by mid-May whether or not they have been selected for the program.

More Information Here

Film School Drop-In Sessions (In-person)- March 28. , 2025 by 11:59pm

Eligibility: High school students ages 13-19

Apply Here 

Film School Fridays Drop-Ins are an opportunity for young filmmakers to connect with peer mentors and craftspeople in the entertainment industry. Sharpen your skills with us, receive tutoring support in editing, cinematography and lighting, storytelling, and screenwriting, and sit in on our Film School Friday Guest Speaker events! This is a safe space to gather, support, create, and learn.Join the information session on January 15th at 5:30pm , RSVP here

Workshop Dates: April 4th - May 9th, 2025

Time: 4:30pm-6:30pm

Location: Gowanus, Brooklyn

Click here for more information 

*New* Media Internship (Paid) - Deadline March 31, 2025

Eligibility The application is open to rising 11th and 12th grade students.

Apply Here

The Hearst High School Media Internship at The Paley Center for Media is a 5-week, paid, best-in-class media-focused summer internship for rising 11th and 12th grade students. The program will encompass Media Literacy and Digital Learning, Media Career Development, and Mentorship. The internship offers students the opportunity to develop the knowledge, skills, and network necessary to prepare for college and to break into the media and entertainment industry.

2025 Internship Schedule:

July 14, 15, 16, 17* 10:00 am to 4:00 pm

July 21, 22, 23, 24* 10:00 am to 4:00 pm

July 28, 29, 30, 31* 10:00 am to 4:00 pm

Aug. 4, 5, 6, 7* 10:00 am to 4:00 pm

Aug. 11, 12, 13, 14* 10:00 am to 4:00 pm

*Dates are nonnegotiable.  

More Information Here

Girls Who Code Summer Programs (In-person & Virtual)- Early Deadline Feb. 26th, Final Deadline April 11th

Eligibility Check program details for eligibility for each program

Apply Here

Girls Who Code offers two Summer Programs. Students can learn game design in live virtual classrooms in SIP or explore hot topics in tech with step-by-step video tutorials in Pathways. Both programs give participants coding skills, industry insights, and a lifetime of community and career support–no fees or coding experience required. 

Join Girls Who Code live on February 5th at 4 PM PT/7 PM ET to learn more about our Summer Programs and discover how high schoolers are launching their futures with the greatest sisterhood around! 

More Information Here


This section features enrichment events and programs that students can attend on their own time and contests that students can apply to directly .

*New* 2025 High School Essay Contest

- Deadline February 19

JEA has also opened its High School Essay Contest, funded by the Society of Professional Journalists Foundation. Student essays should address the biggest challenge journalists face today, and how they might overcome it. The entry fee is $5 per submission, and the top three will earn scholarships from $300 to $1,000

Click Here For More Information 

*Upcoming Dates* Teen Finance Workshops- Multiple Dates

As part of their 2025 Youth Empowerment Program, UA3 is partnering with JPMorgan Chase to present a series of financial workshops in January, February, and March that are designed to empower teenagers with essential financial knowledge. The series will focus on a range of topics, including financial goals, understanding credit, and managing debt, and will provide participants with tools and skills to manage their financial resources effectively. A key highlight of these workshops is the opportunity for attendees to learn from and interact with professionals in the financial industry at JPMorgan Chase, making this series especially beneficial for teens aspiring to pursue careers in finance. The hybrid workshops take place on upcoming Monday afternoons from 4:30 PM – 5:30 PM and participants can join via Zoom or at the Chase branch at 180 Canal Street. 

Dates & Topics:

Workshop Registration

Center for Architecture Workshop- Multiple Dates

Teen Workshops are for high school students interested in learning more about the city’s built environment and developing their architectural design skills. Offered on weekends during the school year, these workshops combine architectural exploration with hands-on design projects, nurturing the development of design thinking and providing students with instruction in architecture fundamentals such as architectural drawing, scale measurement, model building, site and precedent analysis. Program has a fee but offers scholarships and fee waivers. 

Upcoming Workshops  (Details Here)

*New* Latino College Expo and Leadership Summit

- Deadline March 22, 2025

Come to a free college fair geared toward Latino students. Representatives from more than 50 public and private colleges will be on hand to answer question in English and Spanish. There will also be resources and support including college counseling.

Date: Saturday, March 22

Time: 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Where: CUNY Borough of Manhattan Community College in Manhattan

Cost: Free

Free Registration Here

*New* NYPL James Baldwin Writing Contest- Deadline March 23, 2025

In celebration of the centennial of his birth, NYPL is inviting New York City teens to enter a creative contest inspired by Baldwin's wide-ranging work for the chance to be published in an NYPL publication and win up to $250.

Through short stories, essays, letters, or narrative/comic art, we want you to take inspiration from Baldwin's work and life and tell us what you’re passionate about, what inspires you, what angers you, what you’ve learned about life, or what gives you hope. Your entry can be an essay, a short story, or a letter of no more than 2,000 words, or five letter-sized pages of narrative/comic art.

Click Here For More Information 

Come to a free college fair geared toward Latino students. Representatives from more than 50 public and private colleges will be on hand to answer question in English and Spanish. There will also be resources and support including college counseling.

Date: Saturday, March 22

Time: 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Where: CUNY Borough of Manhattan Community College in Manhattan

Cost: Free

Resources for WBL Staff 

This section features resources for staff members who work to find work based learning opportunities for students which includes jobs for graduation seniors. 

Contact Me!

Jackie McKinney
